Monday, February 18, 2008

Ideas for remix project

I have some poetry that I have written that I want to remix. I may do some as collage text, and I may utilize the website, to do some remixing. It will be interesting to see what one of my poems will be like in the remixed version. I have some tributes that I have written also that I may remix. Will it change the meaning significantly? I may not use one of my tributes if that is the case, because I wouldn't want to disrepect the person for whom the tribute was written. I have several poems to choose from that I wrote last year. Some are abstract and may be better remixed. I don't think I will venture into adding music to the project, I am not quite ready for that steps! I think it will be an interesting project.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Copyright and Fair Use

What can I say about copyright and fair use? I do find it necessary to copyright your work, otherwise you may be plagiarized. I have actually been plagiarized, and it is not a pleasant feeling. I was enraged. Now, it was not a novel, or anything like that. It was an article in my church newsletter, but it was my work, nonetheless. I had given a copy of my article to another reporter on staff and she was to give it to the Editor for me. I did not know that she had been asked to cover the same event. Well, she took my work, changed a few words, added her name and submitted it for publishing. The Editor happened to be a good friend of mine and she showed me an advance copy of the newsletter with both articles. When I saw what the other reporter had done I asked that my article be removed, but the Editor refused. She said that people knew my style of writing (which was very different from the other reporter's) and that the other reporter would be the one shamed. I agreed and let the publication run as is. It taught me a lesson about copyright and who you can trust...or not! I wrote a play several years ago, this I had copyrighted. So, it is important to respect the laws of copyright and check into fair use before you copy someone else's work. They have worked very hard to produce this and may not want to share it with you.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

On Electronic Literature

I viewed "Red Riding Hood", which I thought would be similar to the children's classic. I suppose it was in a dark way. The music that accompanied the story was very dark, and I didn't like the repetitiveness. The premise of the story was there and the cartoon characters were cute, but I didn't care for having to click to move the story along. Although in traditional reading, you do have to turn pages! I am somewhat old school when it comes to technology and prefer the traditional way of reading literature, or anything for that matter. I believe that I comprehend better when I am reading a book versus looking at the commputer screen. And there were no words, so it was like watching a movie. You lose something when you are watching versus reading. I do anyway. When books are made into movies they always have to leave something from the book out or the movie would be too long. The movie is a translation of the book, as was the case here. While I did enjoy the movie and watching the characters interact, I prefer the traditional way of reading. This could be because I have not fully grasped technology with all of my being. You can do almost everything on the Internet these days, but some things I just prefer to do the old fashioned way. Reading is one of them.